Romas Marine (Monaco) SARL is a family company led by Roland C. Brautigam who has been active in the Shipbroking industry, in particular in the offshore, towage and salvage segments since the late 80ies. After starting in Rotterdam for some years he moved to Australia where he lead A.I.S. (Australian Independent Shipbrokers) to become the leading shipbroking company in Asia Pacific between 1999 and 2008 and among others managed to sign the exclusive agency for Damen Shipyards in Australia and New Zealand, an agency still in existence today. In 2009 Romas Marine (Monaco) SARL started to take shape and was formally established in Monaco in 2010.
Since 2010 Romas has established itself as a reputable and reliable partner for many companies large and small in the offshore and renewables industry. Having weathered the tough times from 2014, Romas is now growing into a healthy reliable trading and broking company with specialised brokers for your floating or equipment assets.
With a focus on sustainability and environment Romas strives to be carbon neutral by 2030 and with the introduction of Romas Marine Sustainable Textiles (RMST) in 2023 Romas does it’s part in keeping the oceans clean.
Having a vast global experience in S&P and chartering of high value offshore assets such as accommodation vessels, jack-up barges, PLB, DSV’s and ancillary equipment such as (AHC) offshore/marine cranes, winches, Fire Fighting equipment, accommodation modules, mooring systems, thrusters etc. Romas can assist you with any chartering, towage, purchase or sales enquiry you may have. On this website you can download recent listings of various types of offshore vessels and equipment that we can offer for sale and/or charter.
Hopefully you will allow us to assist you in the future.