Romas Marine (Monaco) SARL started operating in 2010. We have been active in the global offshore market for almost 30 years. Among others I was personally involved in the establishment of the S&P division at Australian Independent Shipbrokers and led that company between 1999 and 2009 to become the leading shipbroking office in the Asia Pacific region. In that period I brought in the Damen Shipyards account to Australia and New Zealand. Damen, never having signed a contract before in that area now has signed contracts worth hundreds of millions as a result.
Since 2010 Romas has established itself as a reputable and reliable partner for many companies large and small such as SAIPEM, ENI, Boskalis, Global Offshore, Punj Lloyd, Subsea7, UP Offshore etc. One which has weathered many storms in what has arguably been the toughest time of our industry.
Having a vast global experience in S&P and marketing as well as chartering of high value offshore assets such as jack-up barges, pipe-lay barges, derrick lay barges, DSV’s and ancillary equipment such as AHC cranes, accommodation modules, mooring systems, thrusters etc. we can assist you with any chartering, towage, purchase or sales enquiry you may have. On this website you can download recent listings of various types of offshore vessels and equipment that we can offer for sale and/or charter.
We have many interesting offshore and subsea equipment assets for sale such as (AHC) cranes of all sizes, winches, helidecks, A-Frames etc. which you are invited to download from this site.
Hopefully you will allow us to assist you in the future.
With warm regards,
Roland C. Brautigam